Sunday, June 24, 2007

View from my bedroom window

This was taken one afternoon this week. We cut the picture to get rid of container ships and it could have been taken 100 years ago. This junk is available for dinner cruises- one day we'll be able to afford an evening on it.

Beautiful Hong Kong

Hong Kong is in the middle of the wet season but inbetween storms and downpours we get some fabulous days. It is as if the rain has washed us clean of the usual pollution and gives us a glimpse of what we might look like without all the particulates in the air from nearby factories and power stations.
Catie took this last Sunday in Kowloon looking over to Hong Kong island.

The beautiful Fleur...

As promised here is a picture of Fleur. We had to give her a bone to chew in order to keep her still enough to snap this picture.
She is elegant and intelligent, shares her kennel happily with any dog. I hope she is adopted soon.
My last favorite, Flicka, was adopted by a chef who had done some fundraising things for us. He came to see the kennels and left with Flicka. She had been there for nearly 12 months with no interested people. As Sally Andersen (our founder) says, there is a home for every dog if we wait long enough!

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Rescue me!

This is Catie holding Rumble, a very cute B&W pup. He is the kennel mate of Fleur, who was too busy following Candice to sit and pose for photos! (We took a few but too blurred...)
Rumble will be adopted quickly as the B&W pups look so very sweet with their markings. They always have great personalities/good genes.

Thursday, June 7, 2007

Hong Kong Monsoon

This is the weather forecast for HK for the next week.
The monsoon has arrived!

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

My 'real' job....

Every Friday evening from 4pm I head down to the Hong Kong Dog Rescue kennels.
As usual I am met by several dogs, all waiting for adoption, all gorgeous.
As one of the kennel supervisors I have to check if all the volunteers have arrived. These kids are aged between 14 and 18, and come to us regularly after a long school day. They spend two or three hours walking dogs, feeding, medicating, cleaning up, bathing, tick removing, training and visiting the vet. Dedicated dogs lovers they certainly are.
At any one time we have over 30 dogs with us, all saved from the local dog pound.
One of my long term favorites is Fleur, a mongrel, sort of Chinese Shepherd, with a brown coat and the big ears of a GSD.
She is the remaining puppy from a beautiful litter we rescued a few months ago. Very smart (she can get into any room by marvellous means) and gentle, she would make the perfect family dog. We know her Mum so her temperament is assured.
However, for whatever reason she is still with us. She is a friend of every dog, loves people and shadows Candice, one of our regular volunteers, everywhere.
Tomorrow night I'll take a photo for you.
In the meantime visit my favorite website- just google Hong Kong Dog Rescue.
Click on the video link for Rosemary's film of the kennels taken for a recent fundraiser.

Monday, June 4, 2007

It's a hard life...........

Last week, sitting marking Year Six Science books by the side of the pool while they swam for an hour, thinking, 'Isn't life hard?'
Actually it looks a lot better than it was- midday, 33 degrees, 95% humidity, forgot my water bottle..................

Saturday, June 2, 2007

Catie's Formal

L-R- Nattie, Catie, Grace, Greta, Ellie.