Monday, March 22, 2010

Old friends

Last week we had tea with some old Singapore friends. My son and her daughter were at playgroup together from the age of 2- 4 years. Now they are at neighboring schools, both in Form 1. We sat around the kitchen table, eating Portuguese tarts and drinking cups of tea, happily reminiscing.

Monday, March 15, 2010


I am hoping that I'll have a place in Pet Heaven once I have left this planet- yet again we have opened our home up to another orphan animal- this time a Russian Blue cat who needed a place to chill for a while. She has captured the heart of my husband and therefore has just about sealed her fate. Our other cats have continued to give her the cold shoulder as only cats can and have moved out of the kitchen and onto the front verandah. We can only hope that winter will bring them all back inside. However if another friendlier home appears it may be her Forever Home.........